Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Love Recklessly


I'm Kaleb Sanders. Umm...I feel revival. Simply put. God is working in all of us and that energy is getting channeled to our homes, youth groups, and towns.
My hope and prayer is that this is an outlet for others to stay on a focused path wanting to learn of our God. That through this they CRAVE God's word as we do. They will need it like they need air, and through us they will see our unconditional love towards our God and will want that.
I feel it and its gonna be big, but more importantly it starts through us. And it starts by loving unconditionally. By learning and meditating on God's word...we will.

Julian Beever 6 Pictures, Images and Photos

Save words like "amazing" and " awesome" for our God.

"Every Thought Captive..." 2 Corinthians 10:5

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